The American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation (AIVR) grant is funded by the Rehabilitation Act to provide Native Americans with disabilities skills to become employed. Out of 569 federally recognized tribes, only 89 grants were funded in fiscal year 2017. Each grant is funded for 5 years and requires adherence to regulations and specific performance reporting. DataOps created a case management information system to capture the full life-cycle of the VR office with their clients while staying compliant to the regulations. In addition to producing the annual grant performance report at the touch of a button, it provides a real-time KPI dashboard and operational graphical reporting. For over sixteen years, DataOps provides continuous software maintenance, technical support and online training for over 250 users. Clients remark on the ease of use and quality of the reporting. Many state that the reporting allowed them to secure multiple AIVR grant cycles, acquire additional supplemental grants and address tribal government inquires.